The 4th International Exhibition "Electronics, Electrical Engineering, and Innovative Technologies - E-TechExpo 2025"

11 - 13 November 2025, Uzexpocentre NEC / Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Tips for Exhibitors

Exhibiting advice

Dear exhibitor, we would like to draw your attention to the following eight steps, which will help you coordinate you preparation for the exhibition:

1. Set clear, measurable objectives. Define what you are focussing on: are you attracting new clients, launching new products, entering a new market, or strengthening your customers loyalty?

2. Discuss your participation options with the organisers. From demonstrating your products at the exhibition to sponsorship packages, we can provide you with information on the best solutions to achieve your objectives.

3. Appoint an exhibition coordinator for organising your participation. Train and motivate staff working at the exhibition send your best employees for the exhibition.

4. Read the exhibition guide our comprehensive guides help you save time and money.

5. Prepare a detailed budget allot funds beforehand for covering the costs of designing the stand and all supplementary marketing material to ensure your company has everything necessary for the exhibition.

6. Invite your customers and potential clients to your stand.

7. Announce your participation online.

8. Work on developing relationships with new clients. You will find new contacts during the exhibition; don't forget to contact them after the event.

Educational programme for exhibitors

In 2015, Iteca Exhibitions is introducing an educational programme for exhibitors. We will train all companies wishing to get information on how to successfully exhibit.

The training will help to streamline and add to your exhibition experience, allowing you to view your stand from the outside and get rid of common pit falls and stereotypes.

In one day find out WHAT to do and HOW to do it in order to get the best results from the exhibition.

Apply for the training with the event coordinator