The 4th International Exhibition "Electronics, Electrical Engineering, and Innovative Technologies - E-TechExpo 2025"

11 - 13 November 2025, Uzexpocentre NEC / Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Country Focus

Uzbekistan is located in the central part of Central Asia. It is bordered by Kyrgyzstan to the east, by Kazakhstan to the north-east, north and north-west, by Turkmenistan to the south-west and south, by Afghanistan to the south and by Tajikistan to the south-east. The total length of the borders is about 5,300 km.

The official name of the country: Republic of Uzbekistan
Capital: Tashkent
Area: 447.4 thous. km2
Political system: Constitutional Democracy
Population: more than 34 million people (2020)
Official language: Uzbek language
President: Mirziyoev Shavkat Miromonovich
Currency: Uzbek soum
Time zone: GMT +5
Phone code: +998———
cc TLD: .uz
Voltage: 220 V, 50 Hz
Traffic: Right-hand
Largest regions: Samarkand region, Ferghana region, Kashkadarya region, Andijan region, Tashkent city

Public holidays

January 1 — New Year
March 8 — International Women`s Day
March 21 — Navruz
May 9 — Day of Remembrance and Honor
September 1 — Independence Day
October 1 — Teacher and Mentor Day
December 8 — Constitution Day
the first days of Ruza Hayit and Kurban Hayit religious holidays.

Investment potential

Modern Uzbekistan – it is leading industrial state located in the heart of Central Asia, ensuring stability and economic development of the region as a whole.

Among the advantages offered by the modern economy of Uzbekistan for foreign companies – political and macroeconomic stability, favorable climatic conditions, hospitable and hardworking people and many others.

Among the advantages, the key factors for the success of doing business in Uzbekistan are: a rich resource base, a favorable geographic location in the center of the largest regional markets, a transport and logistics system integrated into a network of land and air communications of international importance, a diversified industrial base and a scientific and intellectual, personnel potential of the republic.

More than 2800 deposits and prospective manifestations of minerals have been identified in the republic, the total mineral and raw material potential of the country is about 3.5 trillion US dollars. Uzbekistan occupies one of the leading places in the world for many positions including non-metallic and metallic minerals, agricultural raw materials. In particular, copper reserves – 11th place, in terms of gold production – 9th, uranium – 8th, cotton fiber – 5th place.

Proximity to extensive sales markets and a developed transport infrastructure of Uzbekistan predetermine the prospects of investment and trade and economic cooperation

ИBy investing in Uzbekistan, foreign companies will have the opportunity to enter the 5 largest and fastest growing markets – these are CIS countries with a market of more than 300 million.

Competition in these markets, in today’s conditions, foreign companies can only win by using the absolute and comparative advantages of Uzbekistan.

First of all, this is a favorable geographical position of the republic at the intersection of all trade routes between the above regions, a developed multimodal network covering markets that are far beyond the borders of Central Asia, including Eastern Middle East, Northern India and Western China.

The unprecedented conditions for the development of dynamically growing and, in many respects, remaining uncovered, markets in Central Asia and the CIS, are also due to the possibilities of duty-free entry of Uzbekistan’s producers into the markets of Central Asia with a population of 74 million and the CIS with a population of 300 million.